Jeffrey Carpenter
Spirit Rescue Medium and
Reiki Master Teacher
Symptoms of Spiritual Attachment
The symptoms you may experience during and/or after a spiritual oppression or attack tend to reduce your energy and lower your vibrations, potentially introducing physical, emotional, and even spiritual effects. The symptoms vary and include, but are not limited to, a lack of energy, sudden uncharacteristic behavioral changes, unexplained fears or phobias, hearing voices, and, on the rare occasion, demonic possession.

Personal Symptoms

Unexplained depression
Unexplained fatigue
Sudden changes in mood
Uncharacteristic changes in personality or behavior
Worrying nightmares that can cause sleeplessness/night terrors
Bereavement panic attacks and shock which can leave one feeling vulnerable
Feeling tired and depleted of energy
Suffering mood swings and/or impulsive behavior
Unexplained bursts of anger, sadness or emotion
Unexplained fears, phobias or panic attacks
Waking up in the early hours after going to sleep and finding it hard to get back to sleep?
Sensing or seeing presences
Having the feeling of nits or fleas in the hair
Receiving a sharp pin prick feeling over the legs, hands and arms
Do you have a phantom illness (the doctor says you are ok)?
The thought of having a phantom lover
The feeling of something crawling under your skin?
Horrible nasty thoughts in your mind, possibly hearing voices
You could have the feeling that something is crawling in your hair
Do you have really sudden bad thoughts (you think them) but you know they are not yours?
The feeling of despair and wanting to end your life
Have you had bad dreams with unusual creatures in them
Does one of your eyes mist over at any time (a bit like they can in the morning)?
If you are a woman do you get irritation around the legs or intimate areas?
Possession – being attacked sexually or otherwise
Possession – your eyes change color
Possession – your body contorts in unnatural ways
Possession - you speak in a weird language
When Should You Get A Space Cleansing

It is good to clear out the energy of your home or business space, with any life change. When you buy a house, a clearing will clear out the remaining energies of the previous owners that might exert an influence over you and your family.
When you sell a house, clearing the energy of your own house will clear out any vibes that will be off-putting to new owners and will create a positive energy flow to direct positive vibrations to attract a buyer.
It is also advisable to clear the house when major shifts in your own personal life occur, such as a divorce, continuing illnesses, depression, a major job change, moving into a new house, when things just don’t feel “right” or just an overall feeling of bad luck that seems to be continuously flowing in your direction and affecting you and/or your loved ones. Any unexplained visions, noises, smells and drastic changes in temperature that cannot be debunked, might also be an indication of a spiritual presence that should be cleared.